Rufus Irish Terrier active in other kennels

Ch Rufus Orange Sweetie „ Amelie  - „ Royal Rubys´


Amelie” , 2003 ( Ch Rufus look at me! – Rufus Lusty Lioness) is a sister of Orva and Rusty ( see below and studdogs) and won her junior Ch title , German Ch and VDH Ch and is on her way to the Int Ch...., always owner-trimmed and handled. In 2006 she had her first litter by multi Ch Kell´s Turlsa Twister and she will have another litter in 2007.                                                              Royal Rubys


RUFUS O-LA-LA!  - kennel “ fan wiide Wjirren”  , Netherlands

Rufus O-La-La!, 2003, (Ch  Rufus Look at me! – Rufus Lusty Lioness) “Orva” joined the older Irish Terrier bitches Kelly and Tara to continue the breeding programme. Unfortunately a car accident happend to her and damaged a leg and the pelvis and also her teeth. She survived thanks to her condition and care of her owners  and is now happy again, but her movement , leg and tailset is helas not like before. But what counts is her great personality! She expects her first litter in march 2007 by Ch Red Rabbit´s Elliot !  Kennel fan wiide wjirren

Rufus Tara for Red Rabbits

Tara, 2005 (Ch Red Rabbits Elliot x Ch R Noisy  Ms Hurricane)  won at her first 4 shows 3 x Exc 1 and JunCC and 1x Exc2. Her charme and expression is something spezial and she will follow up her „aunt“ Ch RR Emma Peel in the kennel Red Rabbits as broodbitch.

Rufus Tebby of best company

Tebby, 2005, (Ch Red Rabbits Elliot x Ch R Noisy Ms Hurricane) pictured at 10 month is another beautiful Spicy-daughter . She will be shown 2006, and she is expertly handled and trimmed by an experienced Irish Terrier owner, who already made his first Irish Terrier bitch Int Ch 15 years ago.


Rufus Ray of Sun „Red Celtic“ , Spain

Rufus Ray of Sun, 2004, “Ronda” ( Ch Red Rabbit´s Elliot – Ch R Noisy Ms Hurricane) will hopefully have in 2006  with her partner Cooper, one of the last alive son´s of  Maghill of Ben´s Heir a litter – we keep fingers crossed thtat it will work! This is a very interesting and unique combination as the sire has 3 generationens of pure  Ben´s Heir line behind that is nowadays very rare. Ronda is a quality sister to the successful Irish Terrier of the Rufus R-and T-litters and so this will be a very exciting litter with a unique genetic combination  !

For more info and pedigree, please visit their homepage: Red Celtic


Rufus Mylady Malin  -  kennel “ von den Walddörfern“ , Germany

Rufus Mylady Malin, ( Inchicore Lionel-Ch R Noisy Ms Hurricane) 2001, joined kennel „ von den Walddörfern“, who had bred 2 litters 15 years ago to start again breeding the beloved Irish Terrier. She had a first high quality litter with Ch Red Rabbits Elliot and one bitch will stay and 1 male went to a foreign country to follow the footsteps of his ¾ brother Max, the Dortmund BOB 2005!

This succesful litter will be repeatet in 2006.

Fin CH RUFUS FIRE ON ICE – kennel “Lurvendhalis”, Finland

Rufus Fire on Ice, 1999,(Ch Merrymac Legacy – Rufus Magic Polestar) “ Pirre” joined the Finnish kennel “ Lurvendhalis” and became in very short time Fin Champion. She has whelped 6 puppies in January 2003 by a very look alike grandson of Merrymac Don´t Blame me “ Tvärvigg Cuchullain “. Her offspring has excellent ears and a very nice expression. In 2004 she had a litter of 4 roly poly girls by Inchicore Lionel and one very nice daughter, Neala, stays at Lurvendhalis to carry on the line. In 2005 she had another litter of 3/3 by a grandson of Byron Ch rufus look at me! , and it will be interesting to follow their development.


RUFUS LUCY LETZ´S FETZ  - kennel “ my celtic fellow”-Germany

Rufus Lucy Let´s fetz, 1998, (Merrymac Lollapalooza - Rufus Magic Polestar)
kennel " my celtic fellow“, pictured left, then her brother Byron and right their mother Sweetie, 2003

Lucy had 4 litters and her son Int Ch Dexter my celtic fellow  is far the most succesful Irish Terrier of the kennel.


Rufus Quassia – kennel „ Redpets

R. Quassia, 1991, (CH Maghill of Ben´s Heir - CH Rufus O´Ruby) she had 3 litters, and 2 of her daughters by Lurvendhalis Finnred  / Finnland continued her line, one in the kennel Redpets, the other in the new founded kennel “ Love in Gold” . There came several really nice typey Irish Terrier from this line in present time. Kennels to watch for in the future!  

Rufus Magical Mystery  - kennel „Finchhattons“

R. Magical Mystery,1994, (CH Tralee´s Hurricane Kid- CH Rufus Pola Negri), kennel" Finchhatton´s", D, 4 litters ( 96, 97, 98, 02) 3 with their own Finnish import Lurvendhalis Finnred (CH MontelleShooting Star - CH Fardarrigh Flannbhui Both parents and all the puppies carry the same red and excellent coat they breed for. The last litter was a single puppy “ Finchhatton´s Eisenhower” by Edmund Zlaty Florex and he is very very promising.

Rufus Magic Millicent Kennel  « vom Ansveruskreuz »

Magic Millicent, 1994, (CH Tralee´s Hurricane Kid - CH Rufus Pola Negri), 3 litters. “Millie” has built a successful line with her 2 sons Cedrick and Chico from her first litter by Ch Prins Paljan v Koudenhoven. The most well known representative is her grandson Denny z Perslu from CZ, who was 2002 group winner at the Int Show in Rotterdam.  Her last litter in 2002 by Inchicore Lionel produced 1/3 promising puppies, and a daughter – a “zoomed Millie” - shall carry on her line in the kennel. 

Ch Rufus Quinta Optima – kennel “Kynos

R. Quinta optima, 1991, (CH Maghill of Ben´s Heir - CH Rufus O´Ruby), 3 litters (93, 94, 95) all with the same own stud CH Atlantis v.d. Emsmühle, a half-brother/sister-inbreeding on CH Maghill of Ben´s Heir. One bitch had been exported to USA and became a CH there (CH Kynos Aphrodite, pictured in Terrier-Type Magazine august 94).
This bitch has been bred to the famous American stud dogs Ch CocksureEye of the Storm and Ch Rockledge Mick of Meath.

Rufus Nessie KennelCatweazle

R.Nessie, (Baltic Xeque - Baltic Ulu) 1983-1996, kennel "the Catweazle", D, 1 litter (87) by CH Esperons Echo. Her daughters CH Tracy and Timberly had both one litter. This picture - Nessie in the middle-shows the their very even family type